Rhea Myers

Free Culture

CryptoPuppers at #BlockchainLive18
Beg, Steal & Borrow
Urinal At Cabaret Voltaire
Neterarti - Net Art Social Networking Freedom
The People's Platform
Surgical Strike - A Glitch And A Result
Exploring Tate Art Open Data 1
Importing Tate Collection Data Into MongoDB
Composition Generators Are Back
Fair Use Wins In Richard Prince Decision
Rainbow Urinals
3D Printing Sigils
Composition Generators
Reproduction Fees
Art Open Data - Government Art Collection Dataset
The Mona Lisa Of Disapproval
Psychogeodata (3/3)
Psychogeodata (2/3)
Psychogeodata (1/3)
A Balloon Dog Print
Source Code
Balloon Dog
Free Licencing For Art
Collaboration and Freedom - The World of Free and Open Source Art
The Urinal Is In A Show
An Aesthetics Of Disappearance
You Can Find Papers That Argue Anything On The Internet
"Open Source Culture"
Artistic Freedom Of Speech Under Threat
Shapeways Urinal Print
Freeing Art History: Urinal
Art Open Data 2
A Comment On A Boing Boing Post
Art Freedom Of Information Requests
Name That License
Good Thinking On Free Art
You Can't Spell Fungible Without Fun
Paying For Teh Frees. How's That Working Out?
Free Agriculture
Freedom Porn
Notes Towards Free Culture
Upcoming Free Culture Movies
Notes Towards Free Culture
Links Roundup 2010-03-26
It's Foo! It's A Bar! Come To The FooBar!
Digital Economy Bill Orphan Works, DACS and Murdoch
Digital Economy Bill Orphan Works Panic
Why ND Is Neither Necessary Nor Sufficient To Prevent Misrepresentation
Livecoding As Realistic Artistic Practice
Notes Toward Free Culture
Processing Code Community Site Licencing
The Zero Dollar Laptop Project
Make Art FooCorp Talk Slides
Cover Version
Copying Is Better
Free Riders
Economic Exploitation and Control vs. Operation and Freedom
Two Shoe Salesmen
Screwdriver Sketch
HOWTO Search For Public Domain ebooks Using Google Books and archive.org
Free Software Debate Antipatterns
Open Source Befuddlement
Notes Towards Free Culture
Windows 7 Sins
Durian - New Blender Movie
Coals To Newcastle
Being Fair And Balanced About the NPG
Mono's Full Spectrum Fail
More NPG
NPG Round-Up
Mono And Patents
National Portrait Gallery Fail
Wikipedia Against Gallery Copyright Overreach
Why Net Art Software Should Be AGPL-Licenced
Art Loves Wikipedia
Only People Making Real Encyclopaediae Should Have Free Speech
Wikimedia Hates Art
Income - Packet-in-wiki
Web Freedom
LP - People
LP - Gnash
LP - Ogg Theora
LP - FLOSS Manuals Book Sprint
LP - Elphel
LP - Linux Libre
LP - Scheduling
LP - Photos from the conference
LP - The FSF
LP - Congratulations To CC
LP - Libre Planet 2009
Boston, and Libre Planet 2009
Code is the Easy Part
Why 3D Printing Will Go Mainstream
The New Book Banning
NC Failage - Arnolfini Gallery
FLOSS Manuals Shouldn't Publish NC Books
Thinking It Through
Diffable Bitmaps
Use The GPL For 3D Design, Not BY-SA
Freeing Users Not Copying Innovation
Turning Software Inside Out
Free Software, Free Society Plucker eBook
Script to Convert rms-essays to Plucker Format
A UK Blogger's Guide
Copyright Extension Failage In Europe
ebook Sources
FLOSS Manuals To Plucker
Ancient treasures put online by an international project | Technology | The Guardian
Gutenberg CD To Plucker Perl Script
Wikipedia Loves Art V&A Launch
furny — More Mature Escapades in Hi-Fi | Exploring Freedom
In Progress...
Wikipedia Loves Art
Good Things
FLOSS+Art Release, Sources, and Offer
Leek And Potato
Wikipedia Loves Art at the V&A in February
Thomas Kinkade, IP Maximalist
New GNU T-Shirts
Pawfal Forum
Open Source Publishing
Freedom Is For People
The P2P Foundation On FLOSS+Art and Pure Dyne
Libertinage Font Now Available
How pure:dyne is for Artists
Pure:dyne Discussion on Netbehaviour
FLOSS+Art Book Now Available
FLOSS+Art Book Launch
Two New Reviews at Furtherfield
GNU Is 25 Today
Repositories Of My Work
Support ORG!
Stephen Fry -- Happy birthday to GNU
Adam Frisby » Blog Archive » OpenSim, C#, Standards, Patents and you.
huge and important news: free licenses upheld (Lessig Blog)
Surgical Strike Free Software
Free Culture Failage: Wizards Of The Coast
Free Culture Failage : Girl Talk
Running Your Own OpenSim Sim
Freedom Of Simulation
Book! Book!
Lessig's New Book - Remix
The Emerging NC Consensus
Some Excellent Free Culture-Related Blogs
Some Sanity On DRM For Second Life
OpenTech 2008
How To Make Money In Second Life Without Being An IP Maximalist
New Reviews At Furtherfield
Free culture in action
More VRML 2 And Web 3D
Orphan Works Ate My Babies!!!
I love you. I know.
Big Buck Bunny Is Out!
Copyleft And Literary Genius
Exhibitions at HTTP Gallery. Open Source Embroidery: Craft and Code
Creative Commons Statement of Intent for Attribution-ShareAlike Licenses released - Creative Commons
DRAFT Creative Commons Statement of Intent for Attribution-ShareAlike Licenses - Creative Commons
Big Buck Bunny Trailer
“The problems with free-licensing aesthetic works”
What I Have Been Up To While Not Posting
Persuasion 1
public domain textures site
“History is history and it is time that everyone learned to put historical events behind them” - The Art Newspaper
Open Rights Group and EFF launch Europe-wide anti-term extension petition
Help CC Fisk Sun's DReaM
Beyond Irony
NonCommercial Sharealike Is Not Copyleft
Approved for Free Cultural Works - Creative Commons
New R.E.M. Videos Under Free Software License
Wikitravel Press launches first printed titles - Creative Commons
Remix Affordances
Free And Open Brands
Help ORG Reform Copyright In The UK!
Dennis Hollingsworth: Artists in Hiding
Locus Online Features: Cory Doctorow: Artist Rights
Sharing Is Sexy | open source porn laboratory // sex positive collective
Please Sign DBD's Open Letter to Viviane Reding
New Loca Tracks
The Libre Labyrinth
Sharing Creative Works
Two Common Errors
Latest FSF Newsletter Is Now Online
FDL / BY-SA Compatibility and Wikipedia
In Rainbows III
Support BY-SA/SFDL Compatibility, Not BY-SA/FDL Compatibility
Participatory Fannishness
Radiohead “In Rainbows” Follow Up
Furny And Licencing
Blogs, Quotes and CC
My Ogg Player
radiohead in rainbows
Support the Commons | Creative Commons
Hipster Freedom 1 - Smooth Beats
Thought For The Day
Where Are The Joneses Ending Up?
Open letter to Adobe - release Flash under the GNU GPL today | Exploring Freedom
Radical Publications and Copyright
Source Code, Cultural Sources And Privacy
Cultural Sources
How Musicians Make Their Money
John Clare On The First Enclosure Movement
CC Ironies
Ironised CC Lincenses SVG
Sharecropping And Entryism
The No-Derivatives Clause & Immutable Sections: A False Sense Of Security
YouTube - Where are the Joneses? 64: Super Breath
Ironised CC Licenses (Birthday and Christmas Wrapping Paper)
Ironised CC Licenses (BY Blank Canvasses)
Ironised CC Licenses (SA and NC-SA)
Ironised CC Licences (ND and NC)
minara And GPL 3
rheart is now GPL 3 licenced
paintr Is Now GPL 3 Licenced
Copyleft And Marxism
Today the BBC made it official — they have been corrupted by Microsoft.
Ironised CC Licenses (BY-NC-SA and NC)
That's the Way To Do It
Reveals, Cliffhangers, Endings and Spoilers In Participatory Media
WRTJ Participation
Ironised CC Licenses (BY-ND and BY-NC)
Where Are The Joneses? On Democracy and iTMS
Appear With The Joneses Via Channel 4
Joneses At The Internet Archive
The Joneses On Page 3
Ironised CC Licenses
Open Streetmap Get The Netherlands
WRTJ: Feedback
Seller's Remorse
Ironised CC Licenses (BY-NC-SA)
Bill Oddie!
Open Literature HOWTO (Beta)
Ironised CC Licenses (BY-NC-ND)
WRTJ: The System Works!
Joneses Updates
Ironised CC Licenses (BY-ND)
Ironised CC Licenses (BY-NC)
Ironised CC Licenses (BY)
I've Created A Monster, And Nobody…
Is That It?
What Is Free Culture? (Again)
Code And Speech As Text
Why should the licence of an artwork be interesting?
Where Are The Joneses Needs You!
Where Are The Joneses?
The Art Happens Here
Free Culture And Free Software
Copyright Rose Selavy
Idiot Screw-Ups
Complete Tools
Misunderstandings Of Free Screwdrivers
The Open Rights Group : Blog Archive » House of Commons culture committee rules in favour of copyright term extension on sound recordings
“Fair Use” In The UK
Joy Garnett
Boing Boing: Stephen Fry Talking Clock goes Creative Commons
Ubu Enchaine
Fifty Years Of Hammer Horror
A Comment On Arts Council Funding
Criticism of Web 2.0 sites remains weak
Fair Use And Free Software
Free Screwdrivers
New Reviews At FurtherField
Activists, artists and academics broaden the debate about free culture
Flickr: photos tagged with psychetecture
What is the best Free Culture license? at Understanding
Think Of The Children
Open Literature
Artists Should Work
MTAA-RR [ news/twhid/cory_doctorow_i_don_t_like_him.html ]
More Sketches
Future Feeder » Archive » Tilt SCREAM Pong
The Free Culture Foundation
Free Duke
Promises To Keep
Latest Lessig Letter
Gowers Report - Good News For Artists
Giving It Away - Forbes.com
The White Elephant Economy
Negativland on NC
NC, Use and Distribution
NC Is Not Magnatune's Secret Sauce
Release The Music » Sign our petition
Should CC release software licenses? | Creative Commons
Boing Boing: Copyright explained through a wild west metaphor
Why The NC Permission Culture Simply Doesn't Work
Future of Copyright: Roundtable 3 - Law, regulation and the future
Lessig's Sandbox
More New Permission Culture
The Affero Clause
Use, Mere Use and Cultural Use
Thought For The Day
Fisking Fisking Fisking Lessig's New Permission Culture
Thought For The Day
Alternatives To Cretinised Neoliberalism As Views Of Free Culture
GROKLAW - Eben Moglen Repeats His Invitation To The Linux Kernel Developers
liquid culture: CC flawed? That argument is secondary
Fisking Lessig's New Permission Culture
DRM: The Elevator Pitch For Hackers
CC and DRM: A Brief Guide To A Non-Issue
What DRM Apologists Get Wrong
Free Your iPod
New GNU Free Document Licence Drafts Are Out
Spot The Deliberate Mistake
Freedom And Commerce
Open Source Art Again
On Debian
Four Freedoms After All
The Value of Freedom and More Reification
OnTheCommons.org | The Language of the Commons
Mapping Reading
Debian, DRM, And Misunderstanding Freedom
The GNU FDL Revision
Indie Comic Publishers Not Respecting Fair Use
Flickr photos with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
CopyCamp | An unconference for artists about the Internet and the challenge to copyright
Copyleft Concepts 2
BookMooch: a community for exchanging used books (book swap and book exchange and book trade)
Zero Influence Wiki: Culture Bonds
Fine Art Adoption Network
Sharecropping Mash-Ups
Cultura Libre
Boing Boing: FreeCulture UK launches monthly free culture zine
Copyleft Concepts
Aesthetics And Freedom
calendarlive.com: STYLE & CULTURE - Just whose idea is it anyway?
Everybody loves Eric Raymond » Lug Radio Live 2006
OnTheCommons.org | Talent & The Commons
Free the Pig
The Crown's copyright con Becky Hogge - openDemocracy
Cultural Functional Equivalency?
Fallon Planning Blog: Culture: Experimental Research Methodologies
Open Source Culture: Resource Files
Pragmatists and Idealists On The Commons
A Skeptical View Of CC
I Rant Against “Open Source”…
iCommons: Firing The Boosters
FUD I most certainly do not like
Before It Even Starts, No
Eyebeam reBlog: Remix as Cultural Repertoire Expansion
OnTheCommons.org | Annals of Private Property #1: Who Owns the Smiley Face?
kollabor8 | digital art collaboration online | photoshop tennis for the masses
Featherston Blog: Introducing Stone Free: Textures that cost nothing
EFF: DeepLinks - Petition To Stop Lawsuits Against Music Fans
“Boy Who Never Slept” film and source files online | Creative Commons
NEWSgrist - where spin is art: Comedies of Fair U$e: full audio now on Archive.org
The UK Govt. On CC Licenses
Wooster Collective: Shit We're Diggin: TheBroth.com, a collaborative mosaic art project.
Eyebeam reBlog: Internet Archive: Details: Un Chien Andalou
Alan Moore - Lost Girls
Public Domain Blog
Notes Towards Free Culture
A Matter of Principle - Jim Baen's Universe
Matt Lee » My birthday
Remix World: towards a global digital commons - Discussion forum
Main Page - P2p foundation
Open Score In Progress
Elephants Dream Score Licensing
Guardian Unlimited | Comment is free | Charlie Brooker: Supposing … Sandi Thom is the musical antichrist
Adrian's Gimp Doodles
Boing Boing: Responses to Jaron Lanier's crit of online collectivism
Unfiled Notes Towards Free Culture
Open Road Trip | A transparent exploration of America and culture.
John Locke The Copyright Pirate
draw-something links
“Seed Projects”, via cc-community
Notes Towards Free Culture
[cc-licenses] Getting to Version 3.0
GROKLAW on The British Library's DRM Sell-Out
A Swarm of Angels
“Canto For Evie” At Sharing Is Daring
Freedom Defined
2+2=3 (Updated)
Copyright Culture (Remixed)
Remixed Reading
NEWSgrist - where spin is art: Artists' Rights or Copyright Extremism? Miro Estate vs. Google
Notes Towards Free Culture
CC travel sites acquired | Creative Commons
Boing Boing: GW Bush's iPod contains
We-Make-Open-Source-Not-Money | MAzine
A Commonality
A Couple Of Wiki Entries
ID For Sale
Chris Ashley on “Will Fair Use Survive”
Free Culture UK Meetup On Saturday
Copyright Is Aesthetics
Fans Being Locked Out Again
Art And Commerce, But Not Vice Versa
DRM is Killing Music
Sampling Artists and NC
Moglen's Utopia
GNOME Art - Icons
Tango Icon Gallery
Aardvark The Aardvark
Busy Busy
ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Archive Project Blog: Media: John K's Storyboard For Stimpy's Invention
Free Culture Roundup
Thought For The Day
Commons Enterprise Working Group
Creative Commons Is Broken, Allegedly
OpenBusiness Survey
Open Origami
An Interesting Question From openbusiness.cc
Media Mutandis: a NODE.London Reader
What Would Nixon Do?
Thought For The Day
Forum On Open Content | Tom Chance's website
Commons Knowledge
Students for a Free Tibet : Google Alternatives
Freedom Of Expression
Free Culture UK Newsletter
Free Culture Roundup
Mute On The Commons
Forum On Open Content
Boing Boing: Looking for graphic designers' Creative Commons stories
Remix Reading Art Competition
DJ Spooky on Sampling
CC Art Competition In Reading
Linus Is Wrong on DRM
Stallman Rejects CC
Orange Is CC Attribution Only
Problem Solved
Free Culture Roundup
Free Culture Roundup
Free Culture Roundup
Free Culture Roundup
Second Commons
Goodbye Fair Use, Hello “Customary Historic Use”?
D'oh: Cento
Notes… Jeff Koons Wins Fair Use Lawsuit
Free Culture Roundup
Britons Never Never Never Shall Be Free
GPL3 First Draft
Notes Towards Free Culture
From Old Books
BY-SA Sketches On Flickr
Lessig In Second Life, and CC-Licensing Virtuality
Where Creative Commons Botched
DRM Serving Creators
Macca On Creativity And Originality
Happy Christmas!
More “Compatibility”
Against Meta-Licensing
Against BY-SA/FDL “Compatibility”
Freedom Of Speech
The Public Catalogue Foundation
Will Fair Use Survive?
The NME Defend Their End Of Year Poll
The Poetry Archive
A New Logical Fallacy
Academicisism Versus Free Culture
The Scottish CC Licenses Are Live
France Attempts To Ban Free Software
A Sequel To Grey Tuesday
Cory on Patronage
Lots Of Cool Stuff From Creative Commons
Magnatune: Less Evil Than Sony
Flickr Not Hosting Drawngs?
Joy Garnett in Harpers
Performance Art As Property
The Tragedy Of The Commons
Clearance Culture (And JoyWar)
Science shouldn't use copyright to silence Creationists
A Free Board Game
Data Browser
The NonCommercial Fallacy Three
Open Score
Granada Can Fuck Right Off
Notes Towards Free Culture
How Culture is Made
The NonCommercial Fallacy Revisited
Three Cultures
Digital Levellers
The Three Cs
The GPL As A Union
Allographic Art And Freedom
Open Congress
Support Creative Commons
Who Owns Barbie?
Joy Garnett On Open Source
Cory Doctorow on the EU Broadcast Flag
Open Content Alliance
Open Font Library
Pataphysics Is The Science
Where's Rob?
Open Source Architecture
Tom Moody On Sampling
Free Metaphors
Free Culture Roundup
Free Culture Roundup
Inkscape Book
Common Content
Free Culture Roundup
GPLed Bear
Berlin Virtual Library
Booorn Freeee
Motive, Subject and The Creative Commons Licenses
Debasing Wikipedia
To Encourage Creativity…
Redistribution Of (Cultural) Wealth
Notes… You Can't Do That With Our Boxes
Copy Rip Burn
Reputation, Funding and Social Networks
Tesla and Free Energy
Wikipedia on Liberty
The requirement of…
The Art Strike of 1990-1993
Community Arts
LETS, Cultural Value, and Remix Reading
Saul Albert
At The Cinema
Free Nursery Rhymes Volume 1
Rough Remix Brighton Logo
Defending the GPL
A Predecessor to BY-NC From 1978
Against Game Theory
Key Concepts
A Previous Four Freedoms
On The Commons
Free Presentation Software
HOWTO Report
How DRM And Trusted Computing Will Work
New Sharealike Images
Freedom And Mediocrity
Free Culture UK Launches
BSD/GPL, Negative and Positive Liberty
Wiki Explosion
Mackenzie Wark
Copyfight Conference
Bob Dylan On The Commons
Let's once and for all kill the solitary Romantic genius
On The Busses
Notes Towards Free Culture
Blog From The iCommons Conference
Free Formats Are Not Enough
Creative Commons, Reform Organization
Yes and Yes
The Self Archive Campaign
The Algebra Of Freedom
GC Films Competition
RU Sirius & DJ Spooky
Notes Towards A Free Culture n+1
Open Source Academy Logo Competition
Consumer Vertigo
Operation: Remix
Mixes (1993)
EFF Legal Guide For Bloggers
New Ward CD
No Business
Common Content Is Back
Why Release A 5+ Hour Documentary Under A CC License?
Sheep's Parade
Creative Commons 2.5 Licenses Are Live
Inkscape DeviantArt Group
Free Culture Phase 2
Links From Liquid Culture
Notes Towards Free Culture n
On The Commons On Collage
Liquid Culture
A Motherlode Of Free Art
New Ward Video To Sample at archive.org
More From The Creator Of kollabor8
archive.org API
Yet More Notes
More Notes…
Enter The Mash-Out
The People Own Ideas
CC 2.5 License Draft
More Notes Towards Free Art
Agile Process
Dembroski and Art Hacking
The Original Free Art Site
Liquid Culture
The Libre Society
Tom Chance
Paul Miller On Art
Notes Towards Free Art
Open Source Methods
CC Star Charts
Stay Free
Lessig & Tweedy Talk
The Force Is Strong With This One
Joy Garnett &&“Open Source Art”
“We're not Goths, we're Industrialists”
Good Slashdot Comment
Open Source For Designers
Creative Archive Launches
Creative Archive Site Launch
Remix Reading Competiton
Remixing In General
The Road To Hell Is Paved With Incompatible Niche Licenses
A Mash-up From 1993
CC-UK (EnW) Launch
Lawrence Liang Essays
RR Launch
Remix Reading Launch Party
CNUK Restore
Ways of Working 2, Appropriation and Collaboration in Contemporary Practice
Another UK CC Record Label
Barbara Kruger & Creative Commons
Think Of The Creators!
Metaphors That Don't Hold Water
The Social Contract Of Art Copyleft
Wikimedia Commons
Where Is The Art Commons?
CC-BY-SA Illustrations
Remix Reading on Boing Boing
In A Nutshell…
CC-UK On Wednesday?
Duke University Center For The Study Of The Public Domain
Own It!
That's the way to do it
Creative Communism
Books By RSS
CC Reblogged Me :-)
Remix (1993)
iTMS and CC (via cc-community, edited)
Not Another License
A Hacker Manifesto
Remix Reading Main Site Online
Providing Sources For Paintings (via cc-license)
Requiring Modifiable Sources (via cc-license)
More Open Music
My First Remix
Remix Reading
Cover Versions
Reform Again
More About Loca
Wired CD Is Out
Remix Reading
Excellent Free Record Label
Audio Of Lessig's Talk at UCL
Grrrr (Via Lessig's Blog Comments)
Commons-Based Production is Not Communism
Common Property
Open Source Democracy
The Success Of Open Source
All My Work Is Now CC-BY-SA-2.0
The NonCommercial Fallacy
O”Reilley Book On Open Source Licenses Coming
The Indoctrination Of Youth
Reflexive Consumption
Open Source Material
Free Art Software
Open Cola
Doctorow On DRM
Collateral Damage
Open Clip Art
Creative Commons 2.0 Licenses Are Out!
EU Copyright Diktat
Asset Stripping Licenses And Value Creation Licenses
Open Clip Art
Free Culture
The Cathedral And The Bazaar
The Score
Intellectual Property
Stop Software Patents In Europe
A Free Library
And Some UK Links
Good Links on (American) Copyright From Groklaw
Drafting The Gift Domain
Free Culture
Freedom From, Freedom To
Don't Buy Glossy Lifestyle Magazines Quarter
Open Art: Inbetween Cities
Open Art: Blobs
Open Content: Back Catalogue All Done
Open Art: Smileys
Open Art: Titled
Shared Space
Manifesto Of The Day
Surplus Labour
Open Art: Containers
Open Art: Playing The Mall
Open Art: San Jose
Require Attribution, Allow Commercial, Share
Opening Art
Successful Open Source Art